Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday Night Mas - Grenada Carnival

Monday night mas used to consist of watching the bands come out of Queens Park where the Pageant was held. The bands would parade across the stand at Queens Park and then come into town on their way back to their band HQ. As time went by the concept of T-shirt bands for a Monday afternoon jump-up became popular and now it is The Big Thing. Pageant might still exist, but the so-called pretty mas save themselves for Tuesday, and Monday is now fully given over to the T-shirt bands. Sponsored by local entities, the bands charge a minimum price for which you get a shirt and some battery powered paraphernalia, headgear and (with the Carib band) a beer guzzler. Advised that it begins at 7pm, we arrive at 6.30, to take in the atmosphere and see the sun set over the Lagoon. At 7.30pm and no trace of the band or any of its members we retire to the Horny Baboon at Lazy Lagoon for some refreshment. It's at least 9pm before things get going.

Varia poses, showing off her battery powered baubles to full effect...

Neil and Lesleydiv>

We're limited to a point & shoot, so the quality is not great

A shakey shot of the crowd. There are several bands, and a keen competition for the top prize, so the DJ on the music truck is constantly barking out instructions as we approach the judging point. We're called on to wave our lights, but when we don't display enough enthusiasm, we do it over, and over, and over again, and each time it involves the whole crowd literally reversing 10 or 15 feet, until we get it right, and the band goes past the judging point. We don't win anyway, because Digicel, right behind us, actually have Star Wars type swords which are far more impressive...

Well, I just like this picture...don't you?
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